Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) Cheat Sheet - I Concept

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01 - 05


How can we help you?

Corporate Website

eCommerce Website

Video Production

Marketplace Portal

Customised System

Annual Report

Digital Marketing


02 - 05


What is your objective
for this project?

Enhance corporate identity and brand awareness

Improve user experience & web features

Implement new marketing strategy

Corporate Video

Promotional Corporate Video

Online Commercial

Training Video

Recruitment Video

Product Launch Video

Consumer Testimonials

Corporate Documentary / Behind the Scenes






Director's interview

Drive traffic

Increase sales

Increase brand value

Increase social engagement

Increase sales leads

Increase subscribers


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03 - 05


What is your overall budget?

Approximate Budget

RM 50k - 65k

RM 65k - 80k

RM 80k - 95k

RM 95k - 110k

More than RM 110k

RM 50k - 75k

RM 75k - 90k

RM 90k - 105k

RM 105k - 130k

More than RM 130k

RM 100k - 125k

RM 125k - 150k

RM 150k - 175k

RM 175k - 200k

More than RM 200k

RM 30k - 60k

RM 60k - 100k

RM 100k - 150k

More than RM150k

RM 100k - 125k

RM 125k - 150k

RM 150k - 175k

RM 175k - 200k

More than RM200k

RM 50k - 100k

RM 100k - 150k

RM 150k - 200k

More than RM200k

RM10k - 15k per month

RM15k - 20k per month

RM20k - 25k per month

RM25k - 30k per month

More than RM30k per month

I'm not sure yet
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04 - 05


How ready are you to
engage us?

I'm still exploring and doing some research

I'm comparing quotes before engaging anyone

I'm more than ready, please contact me now!

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Hi, I'm looking to enhance corporate identity and brand awareness for a/an corporate website with a budget RM 65k - 80k.

I'm more than ready, please contact me now!


Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) Cheat Sheet

23 May 2019

3 mins read

To better support companies looking to upgrade and innovate their business domestically or overseas, the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) was set-up in October 2018, which replaced the existing Capability Development Grant (CDG) and the Global Company Partnership (GCP).

The EDG provides funding for up to 70% of qualifying project costs namely 3rd-party consultancy fees, software and equipment, and internal manpower cost.

The EDG is restricted to projects that are new and not generating revenue during the application. That means no contract signing with the suppliers or service providers and no work or payment for the project beforehand.

All local projects must be completed within 18 months upon successful application, while projects under the Overseas Marketing Presence (OMP) must be completed within 12 months.

Who qualifies for the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)?

SMEs registered and operating in Singapore, with a minimum of 30% local shareholding and in a financially viable position to complete the project.

The project must focus on either Core Capabilities, Market Access or Innovation and Productivity.

How do I apply for the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)?

Firstly, you need an Enterprise Singapore-recognised consultant with certification, who will have the expertise and ethics to execute the project.

You would need to get a quotation, a proposal and their certification from your selected consultants. You would also need to prepare the following documents: latest ACRA search results, latest audited financial statement (i.e. company revenue, staff remuneration, depreciation and net operating profit before tax), supporting documents for hardware/equipment and software cost, salary cost and office space rental (for those under the Overseas Marketing Presence).

Subsequently, you can apply for the EDG via the Business Grant Portal with your company’s CorpPass. After which, you will wait roughly 8 to 10 weeks for the application to be processed.

Alternatively, approach our dedicated team who will help guide you through the process every step of the way.

What are the projects that qualify under the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)?
Core Capabilities 

Core Capability projects focus on growth and transformation by strengthening business foundations through the following developments:

  • Strategic Brand and Marketing Development refers to branding campaigns encompassing research, brand audit, branding strategy, visual development and internal training.
  • Business Strategy Development covers a review of business framework and management system, BE assessment and accreditation preparation, testing, certifications, etc.
  • Human Capital Development encompasses any project that develops manpower in your business, i.e. recruitment, benefits, performance management, training and more.
  • Service Excellence projects help improve customer experiences, such as through new customer journey maps, customer analytics technology and certifications.
  • Financial Management projects are those that cover new frameworks for resource management and deployment and managing internal governance and promoting stakeholder accountability, stronger risk management systems and corporate financial strategy for change management and mergers and acquisitions.
Innovation and Productivity 

Innovation and Productivity projects support companies in exploring new areas for growth and finding new ways to enhance productivity. This could include reviewing and redesigning workflows, tapping into automation and technologies, product development and process redesign.

Market Access

Market Access projects help Singapore companies venture abroad, by subsidising the costs that come with expansion into overseas markets. This covers pilot projects, test-bedding, overseas marketing presence, mergers and acquisitions and standards adoption.


The EDG supports any SME in undertaking projects that stimulate growth and development. With the help of recognised consultants like ourselves, getting the EDG could be the next step towards further expansion of your business. Speak to our passionate team and start on a branding project that can be subsidised with the Enterprise Development Grant.

Table of Contents

Who qualifies for the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)?

How do I apply for the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)?

What are the projects that qualify under the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)?

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Why is Facebook doing this?

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If your brand is looking for someone to help create meaningful interactions with your target audience, look no further than a creative digital team.

So what can you do about this?

Any brands that have services or products related to dating can start thinking up or drafting dating-related ads.

It would not be a surprise if Facebook launches ads that caters to the dating crowd, such as events or gifts that helps break the ice on dates.

If you are having trouble creating a tailored ad, leave your number with experienced digital marketers to help you with it!

This feature could also be a precursor for similar platforms for business collaborations in the future.

In fact, the same feature could be tweaked to meet similar individuals and find opportunities for brand collaborations as well.

Want to stay ahead of the digital trends? Pair your brand up with the one – a dedicated team that will help transform your brand in the digital scene!

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